The CORE™ Difference

CORE Myofascial Therapy aka Myofascial Spreading utilizes a 45° angle approach, opting for leverage versus power. All techniques are delivered slowly, allowing the connective tissue to adjust to the applied pressure, increasing enough heat to create a long-lasting thixotropic effect. This technique allows the body to have a positive response to advanced bodywork.

Core Body Awareness Exercise (C.B.A.E.) is a five step isometric exercise introduced before the first session. C.B.A.E. functions as a monitoring device during the sessions and for maintenance following the completion of the sessions. Initially the exercise helps the client provide accurate feedback as to which regions of the body are either restricted or under strain.

Peak Performance is the only CORE™ Myofascial Certified organization in the Central Valley and are experts in:

  • Myofascial Spreading

  • Arthrokinetics

  • End Work

  • Back Specific

  • CORE Release

  • Foot Specific
